Sadly, it took me a while, but once I made it all the way up without stopping, I decided to go onto bigger and better goals, such as being able to run a 5K. Well, I made it! Looking back, it's crazy that I used to think it was a big deal to be able to run a mile without breaking. Now, I don't feel like I've had a good enough workout unless I do at least three miles...with hills.

This has to be the worst photo of me (especially since I'm showing off my Relief Society arms...I mean, guns), but I feel accomplished looking at it. A few weeks ago, I particpated in the Hurdles for Hope race. Because it was an "extreme" race (furnished with a mud pit, army crawl, and river), I only did the 3K. Even with the short distance, it was intense. I'm proud of how I did, nonetheless. I'm proud of how far I've gotten in my running ability and endurance.
Ok, bragging over.