Wednesday, May 16, 2012 keep it chill.

My music keeps me sane.

It seems like with all of my classes this track, I can barely keep up with assignments.  It's impossible to keep up with readings.  I wake up around 6:30 every morning to spend two hours studying before my first class.  From then on out, until 11:00 at night, I only spend a few hours of the day (if I'm lucky...or procrastinating) not in class or preparing for class.

I have found a very useful technique to keep from screaming right here in the middle of the library. (Ha, like blogging is going to help my stress level.)  I've made a playlist on my iTunes called "Relaxation."  92.6% (rough may be wrong.  I'm an English, not a math, major.) of the songs are instrumental hymns.  It's amazing how much more I'm able to accomplish when I feel peaceful and relaxed.

The past month has given me a new respect to my parents.  For most of my childhood, they were in school, working, and dealing with their four crazy chitlins.  Now, I'm having a hard time being just a student with only myself to deal with.  How they were able to handle all of life and school is beyond me.

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